This is kids favorite recipe, Mango crepe is delicious mango stuffing, garnished with car...
Custard is a yummy and delicious recipe loaded with mixed flavors of fruits nicely combin...
Coeur a la creme translates from the French as “heart of the cream.” Traditionally associ...
Malpua is a popular North-Indian cuisine made at special occasions and festivals. This yu...
Sheer khorma or Sheer khurma literally(milk with dates in Urdu) is a festival vermicelli ...
Apple parathas is a sweet delight that bring a smile on your child's face. It is easy to...
How to makechhena(Cheese) Khiri?How to cookchhena(Cheese) Khiri?Learn the recipechhena(Cheese) Khiriby vahchef.For all recipes visit
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