A Rajasthani specialty combination of mixed lentils served with fried bread. High in pro...
Potato Spinach and Radish curry are a very simple yet delicious and is a combination of p...
Beetroot and spinach is a simple and delicious dish popularly made in the South Indian cu...
This traditional Sindhi recipe is a good combination of leafy vegetables with dal which p...
This is curry recipe. It is famous in Karnataka and served along with poori. ...
Aatukal curry is made of lamb or goat's leg often referred to people having a cold or flu...
This recipe originally comes from the kitchens of the Nawabs that once occupied Kalinga.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Thu Jul 23 2009
Ginger paste and Garlic paste is mentioned under the ingredients for this recipe, but does not feature under the "Directions" section. It is left to assume that the above pastes need to be added along with the onion+Red chilli paste? Please include c
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