Chicken fried rice is an excellent, easy, & delicious recipe. Chicken Fried Rice recipe i...
This is a south indian breakfast recipe. Poha or Atukulu or Rice flakes is used widely in...
Prawn Biryani is a traditional Indian dish prepared by layering spices, shrimp/ prawn, ar...
Green leaves pulao is a flavorful pulao, easy to make, instant rice dish to serve with on...
Coconut Rice is a traditional rice preparation of south India. Cooked/ steamed rice added...
How to makebiryani onions?How to cookbiryani onions?Learn the recipebiryani onionsby vah...
Sel roti is a Nepali traditional homemade, sweet, ring-shaped rice bread/doughnut. Learn the recipe of Sel Roti (Fermented rice product) by vahchef.
Selroti is prepared from well-mixed fermented rice batter, which is deep fried, ring-shaped, spongy, pretzel-like product commonly eaten as confectionery bread in religious festivals and special occasions.
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