Chicken fried rice is an excellent, easy, & delicious recipe. Chicken Fried Rice recipe i...
Hotness of the sambal served with plain Kiribath a traditional srilankan coconut milk ric...
This is a south indian breakfast recipe. Poha or Atukulu or Rice flakes is used widely in...
Green leaves pulao is a flavorful pulao, easy to make, instant rice dish to serve with on...
How to makebiryani onions?How to cookbiryani onions?Learn the recipebiryani onionsby vah...
Capsicum rice or Capsicum rice recipe -This is easy to make and flavorful dish is a simpl...
Rice upma is a very popular breakfast item in most of the south Indian homes especially in the state Tamil Nadu. It is commonly known as Arisi.
Rice upma is a healthy dish made with grinded rice and then flavored with a simple tempering.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Mon Mar 26 2012
Hi! I am in Egypt and Indian. I am so happy to follow your recipes all are very successfull but I would like to know how to make Rice flour roti, I do not like channa dal so can I use chicken or mug dal? In cooking I am zero but with your help I can
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