Fried butter biscuits are one of the best homemade easy to make biscuit recipes which wil...
Typical Maharashtrian recipe made with fresh coconut and jaggery flavoured with cardamom ...
Chocolate puddings with chocolate flavors of chocolate and cream, licked off a spoon, is ...
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Tiramisu is traditionally an Italian dessert, and this is a similar recipe with an Indian...
It is a sweet made from simple sugar syrup, gram flour, and desi ghee....
Kheer is a rice pudding from the cuisine of the Indian Subcontinent, made by boiling rice, broken wheat, tapioca, or vermicelli with milk and sugar; it is flavoured with cardamom, raisins, saffron, cashews, pistachios or almonds. It is typically served during a meal or as a dessert. It is also known in some regions as payasam, payas, gil-e-firdaus and firni.
It is an excellent dessert that is served after the main course. Rice kheer is one of my signature dish. I make it on special occasions such as birthdays, diwali, holi, new year feast etc and my family especially my brothers love it. I have tried various types of kheer -rice, vermicelli, carrot etc. I use the same technique in all with a few changes in the ingredients.
About Recipe
samatha Posted on Thu Dec 06 2018
Rice Kheer is all time favorite dish to me and this is inviting me to taste it.
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