Traditional Pulihora with added goodness of mushrooms makes this recipe a must try....
A spin to South Indian tasty rice of coconut and kokum and it is easy to prepare....
Quinoa rice is a gluten-free recipes. This protein-packed grain looks a bit like couscous...
This simple side dish, Potato Capsicum fry makes a stimulating treat from the regular cap...
Capsicum rice or Capsicum rice recipe -This is easy to make and flavorful dish is a simpl...
A delightful combination of prawns, rice, and Indian masalas make a delicious wholesome d...
This is basically standard biryani recipe with some ingredients modified, mainly lots of red paprika and less heat.
Biryani is basically a rice based dish layered with meat or vegetables. Like every other such recipe, it just needs a bit of organisation. Try it sometime, and the final product will make the effort worthwhile.
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