Chicken Manchurian with green chilies is a delicious Chinese recipe served as a starter o...
Khol Khol Kebab is a healthy variant in kebab delicacies which tastes exceptionally good...
Grandma style rava poori is a very famous Maharashtrian sweet. Semolina is cooked with wa...
Celery Sambar gets its rich flavour from toor dal mixed with celery, coconut, red chilli...
Stuffed tindora is one of the classic recipe with flavours of sour, sweet and spicy. ...
Bharvan parval is a stuffed pointed gourd which is slit and deseeded, blanched and stuffe...
Khurma is a sweet that is mainly found in northern parts of India. Learn the recipe of Khurma by vahchef.
This is one of those snacks you cannot stop munching. We can’t think of any India fairs without Khurma. It is that much popular in India,but very easy to prepare at home.
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