Lamb Head Curry, the curry was more delicious, it had a good flavor of mild sweetness and...
Turnip Keema Curry is a nice dry dish and a popular dish in dhabas and restaurants especi...
Spicy keema balls curry is a mutton keema recipe cooked in Indian spices which tastes am...
Mutton Pepper Chops is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curries. This easy ready to ...
Kadai gosht mutton is a popular cuisine around Pakistan. This recipe has an authentic tas...
Meatballs are made with ground lamb, onions, egg, and bread crumbs, browned in a skillet,...
This is one my favourite receipe. I learnt it from my mother. It has become our familys traditional receipe.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed Mar 12 2008
2 tsp Gas gasalu . It want to prepare this receipe Please let me knowI what is Gas gasalu and where do you get it? Thanks so much for your video. I tried Medu Vada and Rava Dosa. Taste excellent.
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